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10 Questions to Ask Before Having Anesthesia

发布时间:2009-12-04    点击数:

10 Questions to Ask Before Having Anesthesia

Before you haveanesthesia, it is important that any questions you may have are answered clearly. This helps prevent any surprises before your surgery, one of the last times when you want to receive new information.

Your opportunity to ask questions usually happens during the pre-anesthesia interview, a time where theanesthesia providerasks you questions about your medical history, medications and any other pertinent information. This interview is not just for the provider to ask questions: Use this time ask any questions that you have during this phase of planning.

Questions To Ask Your Anesthesia Provider

·Who will be providing my anesthesia?

·If there is an emergency situation during my procedure, will I need to be transported to another facility for care?

·Will I be awake immediately after surgery or will I wake slowly?

·What type of monitoring will be done during my surgery?

·What type of anesthesia will be used and will I be awake?

·For childbirth: What are my anesthesia options for delivery?

·Will the anesthesia provider be with me during the entire procedure?

·What medications should I take before surgery and which ones should I not take?

·What is my personal risk of anesthesia complications?

·When should I quiteating and drinking before surgery?



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