我单位推荐下列项目申报2018年度北京市科学技术奖,特进行公示。公示期:_2018_年_3 月_14__日至_2018_年_3_月_24日,公示期内如对公示内容有异议,请您向_科研处__(推荐单位科管部门名称)反映。
联系人及联系电话: 张文 82265883
1. 项目名称:遗传变异在女性恶性肿瘤发生发展过程的分子机制及应用的研究
2. 候选单位(含排序):北京大学第三医院,北京大学,苏州大学
3. 候选人(含排序): 李华,杜权,周翊峰,梁华茂,易凡,王晓霞,尼华
4. 项目简介:
中国女性恶性肿瘤的发病率明显上升,乳腺癌位居首位。女性特发的常见肿瘤还有宫颈癌、卵巢癌等。遗传因素对肿瘤发生发展有重要影响。单核苷酸多态(SNPs)是最常见的遗传变异,非编码RNA是表观遗传学主要机制之一。另外,RNA干扰和基因编辑技术已被广泛用于探索基因功能和肿瘤的基因治疗。因此,本项目围绕着 SNP 和非编码 RNA 等遗传变异,研究它们与女性肿瘤发生发展的关系及作用机制并开展临床前研究,取得了创新性的系列研究成果。主要发现点包括:(1)发现了一系列与女性恶性肿瘤相关的遗传变异及其作用机制。如:EpCAM rs1126497 C/T多态和MKK4 -1304T>G多态与宫颈癌风险相关,前者还可能是乳腺癌的遗传修饰;hMLH1的-93A等位基因会影响卵巢癌易感性;FOXP3与乳腺癌的易感性相关;IL-21功能多态可能是乳腺癌预后的潜在生物标志;长非编码RNA Yiya可能与女性肿瘤相关。(2)发现了新的针对肿瘤治疗的RNA干扰和基因编辑技术。主要包括:阐明了siRNA的代谢途径,建立了创新性的高特异性siRNA设计策略;鉴定了对错配敏感的“核心”序列,增加了CRISPR-Cas9技术的靶向特异性。
上述研究结果连续发表多篇高水平论文,其中包括Hum Mutat、Molecular Therapy 和 FASEB Journal等国际权威期刊,引起了Nature Reviews Genetics(IF=40.3)和Nature Materials(IF=39.73)等国内外同行关注,获得授权专利1项;10 篇代表作总影响因子 44.6 分,SCI 总引用 162 次;研究成果进一步家加深了解遗传变异在肿瘤发生中的内在机制;提供个体易感性和临床预后参考指标,实现肿瘤个体化治疗原则,提高治愈率;缩小肿瘤发病高危人群范围,减少政府对肿瘤防治投入;可获得良好的社会和经济效益,将会对我国的经济建设产生不可估量的影响。
5. 相关证明材料:
1) Hu M#, Jian L#, Zhang L#, Zheng J, You Y, Deng J, Li H*, Zhou Y*. Functional polymorphism in the EpCAM gene is associated with occurrence and advanced disease status of cervical cancer in Chinese population. Mol Biol Rep. 2012 Jul;39(7):7303-9.
2) Hu M#, Zheng J#, Zhang L#, Jiang L, You Y, Jiang M*, Li H*. The Association Between -1304T >G Polymorphism in the Promoter of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 4 Gene and the Risk of Cervical Cancer in Chinese Population. DNA and Cell Biology. 2012 Jul;31(7):1167-73.
3) Niu L, Li SM, Liang HM, Li H *. The hMLH1 ?93G>A Polymorphism and Risk of Ovarian Cancer in the Chinese Population. PLoS One. 2015; 10(8): e 0135822.
4) Jiang L#, Zhang C#, Li Y#, Yu X#, Zheng J, Zou P, Li Y, Bin X, Lu J*, Zhou Y*. A non-synonymous polymorphism Thr115Met in the EpCAM gene is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in Chinese population. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2011;126(2):487-95
5) Zheng J#, Deng J#, Jiang L#, Yang L, You Y, Hu M, Li N, Wu H, Li W, Li H, Lu J, Zhou Y*. Heterozygous genetic variations of FOXP3 in Xp11.23 elevate breast cancer risk in Chinese population via skewed X-chromosome inactivation. Hum Mutat. 2013;34(4):619-28
6) You Y, Deng J, Zheng J, Hu M, Li N, Wu H, Li W, Lu J, Zhou Y*. IL-21 gene polymorphism is associated with the prognosis of breast cancer in Chinese populations. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013;137(3):893-901
7) Huang Y, Hong J, Zhen S, Ding Y, Guo S, Zhang H, Zhang X, Du Q*, Liang Z*. Elimination pathways of systemically delivered siRNA. Molecular Therapy, 2011;19(2):381-5
8) Hong J, Huang Y, Li J, Yi F, Zheng J, Huang H, Wei N, Shan Y, An M, Zhang H, Ji J, Zhang P, Xi Z, Du Q*, Liang Z*. Comprehensive analysis of sequence-specific stability of siRNA. FASEB Journal, 2010;24:4844-55
9) Yang F#, Yi F#, Zheng Z#, Ling Z, Ding J, Guo J, Mao W, Wang X, Ding X*, Liang Z*, Du Q*. Characterization of a carcinogenesis-associated long non-coding RNA. RNA Biology, 2012;9(1):110-6
10) Zheng T#, Hou Y#, Zhang P, Zhang Z, Xu Y, Zhang L, Niu L, Yang Y, Liang D, Yi F, Peng W, Feng W, Yang Y, Chen J, Zhu YY, Zhang LH, Du Q*. Profiling single-guide RNA specificity reveals a mismatch sensitive core sequence. Scientific Reports. 2017 Jan 18;7:40638.
1) Chen D, Gyllensten U. Lessons and implications from association studies and post-GWAS analyses of cervical cancer. Trends Genet,2015,31(1):41-54.
2) Lee J M, Chao M J, Harold D, et al. A modifier of Huntington's disease onset at the MLH1 locus. Hum Mol Genet,2017,26(19):3859-3867.
3) Kurian A W, Hare E E, Mills M A, et al. Clinical evaluation of a multiple-gene sequencing panel for hereditary cancer risk assessment. J Clin Oncol. 2014; 32(19):2001-2009.
4) Gerger A, Zhang W, Yang D, et al. Common cancer stem cell gene variants predict colon cancer recurrence[J]. Clin Cancer Res,2011,17(21):6934-6943.
5) Pirie A, Guo Q, Kraft P, et al. Common germline polymorphisms associated with breast cancer-specific survival. Breast Cancer Res,2015,17:58.
6) Yin H, Kanasty R L, Eltoukhy A A, et al. Non-viral vectors for gene-based therapy. Nat Rev Genet,2014,15(8):541-555.
7) Dutta R, Mahato R I. Recent advances in hepatocellular carcinoma therapy. Pharmacol Ther,2017,173:106-117.
8) Zhou C, Chattopadhyaya J. Intramolecular free-radical cyclization reactions on pentose sugars for the synthesis of carba-LNA and carba-ENA and the application of their modified oligonucleotides as potential RNA targeted therapeutics. Chem Rev,2012,112(7):3808-3832.
9) Li H, Lee T, Dziubla T, et al. RNA as a stable polymer to build controllable and defined nanostructures for material and biomedical applications. Nano Today,2015,10(5):631-655.
10) Zhang H, Chen Z, Wang X, et al. Long non-coding RNA: a new player in cancer. J Hematol Oncol,2013,6:37.
1. 发明专利一项:
申请人: 北京大学 发明人: 杜权;梁子才。
申请号:200910086635.7 申请日:2009-06-16 授权日:2011-09-07
专利号:ZL 200910086635.7