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Health education for the patients with Chiari malformation

发布时间:2009-12-30    点击数:


1. 严密观察生命体征及肢体活动情况.

2. 颈部围领固定、保持环枢椎的稳定、围领制动1个月

3. 观察伤口敷料渗出情况

4. 各种引流管的护理:伤口引流管. 留置尿管)


Maintain of the flowing, precautious when turned over. Don’t be twisted, folded, or pressed

5. 皮肤护理:保持皮肤清洁,翻身、拍背至少2小时一次,防止褥疮、肺炎的发生

Skin nursing: keep the skin clean, turned over and pat the back at least every 2 hours. Prevent of the bedsore, and pneumonia

6. 注意饮食,易消化食物: Dieting, digestible food

7. pay attention to diet ,have digestible food

进食、饮水速度要缓慢 Slowly eating and drinking

8. The speech of eating and drinking should be slowly

功能锻炼 Functional exercise


Prevent muscle atrophy, joint stiffness. Keep functional status of articulations of fingers, wrist, elbow and lower limbs

方法: Methods

[1] 握拳练习10/每日三次四次逐步增量

Exercise of making fist 10 per time, tid –qid, gradually increased

[2] 做肘,膝关节伸屈运动

Flexion and extension activity of elbows and knees

[3] 直腿抬高练习 10/次,每日三次四次,逐步增量

Straight leg rising 10 per time, tid-qid, gradually increased

[4] 勾脚尖练习10/次,每日三次四次,逐步增量

Tiptoe extension 10 per time, tid-qid, gradually increased

[5] 加强后颈部肌肉锻练如抬头,顶墙,小燕飞等

Strengthening the neck muscle exercise such as raising head, push-up, back raising

出院指导:Instruction of discharge


Collar immobilization for 1-2 months. Prevent falling. When sitting in bus or car, precautious sudden stop which might lead to injury of neck

2. 注意肢体功能锻炼

Exercise of limbs

3. 饮食:易消化,高蛋白,含纤维素,维生素高食品,进食饮水要缓慢,防止呛咳

Diet: easy digest, high protein, contain high fibrin and vitamins. Slowly eating and drinking, in case of chocking and couching

4.休息 劳逸结合 避免重体力劳动

Rest, working and rest regular,avoiding strenuous action


aking medication by physicians’ orders


Follow-up 6 months post-operation


地址:北京海淀区花园北路49号  邮编:100191
联系电话:010-82266699  E-mail:bysy@bjmu.edu.cn

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