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Health education for the patients with trans-sphenoidal resection of pituitary edenoma

发布时间:2009-12-30    点击数:


Health education for the patients with trans-sphenoidal resection of pituitary edenoma

术前护理宣教:Preoperative education


For those with eyesight impacted patients, instruct them pay attention to walking avoid falling

2.术前准备:Preoperative preparation

l 口鼻腔准备:备皮,术前一日剪鼻毛Preparation of oral and nose: cutting the nasal hair on 1 day prior operation

l 防止感冒Prevention of catch cold

l 术前3天用多贝尔溶液漱口,6/日,氯麻合剂滴鼻3/Since day 3 prior operation, gargling with Dobel solution, 6/day, 3/day of dropping the nasal with Chlorine solution

术后护理宣教:Post-operative education

1. 严密观察生命体征,神志及瞳孔变化

Monitoring vital signs, consciousness and pupils


Elevate the head of bed to 30 in order to decrease headache and pressure on the sella turcica


Maintain the patent airway and adequate ventilation


Performing oral hygiene with soft swabs frequently, cleanse the teeth and mouth rinses. No tooth-brushing

5.保持鼻部伤口敷料清洁干燥,观察是否有脑脊液漏Keep the nasal pledgets clean and dry ,observe for CSF leak from surgical sites

6保持水电平衡,准确记录出入量,观察是否有电解质紊乱和尿崩症的发生。24小时尿量大于4000毫升,尿比重小于1.010即可诊断尿崩Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance .observe for signs of diabetes insipidus and electrolyte disbalance.

7.观察视力视野变化Observe the change of vision and visual fild


Warn the client nor to cough,sneeze or blow nose

9每日称体重 weigh daily

出院指导:Instruction upon discharge

1.定期复查:3个月后复查垂体内分泌激素,半年后复查核磁共振Regular followed-up: Repeat checking of the level of hormones of pituitary in 3 months postop, Repeat MRI in 6 months postop


Taking medications by time and dose with the physician’s order. Don’t decreased or stop taking


Come back whenever symptoms such as fearing cold, weary, eyesight decreased happened


地址:北京海淀区花园北路49号  邮编:100191
联系电话:010-82266699  E-mail:bysy@bjmu.edu.cn

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