4. 明确不同卵母细胞冷冻保存方法安全性,优化人卵巢组织冷冻保存技术,创建生育力保存平台:利用动物模型首次证明了不同年龄阶段冷冻保存卵母细胞以及冻存时间长短对卵母细胞发育潜能的影响,为临床优化卵母细胞冻存方案提供依据。建立卵巢组织三维体外培养模型,首次证明生长因子bFGF对女性卵巢组织血管重塑的作用,同时可以提高卵泡存活率,具有重要的临床应用价值。综述高龄女性生育力下降的原因和可能的生育力保存方案,对提高人类辅助生殖技术的成功率有深远影响。
本项目有助于加深对卵母细胞成熟及发育潜能的机制的认识,代表性论文已发表在Cell、Nature Structural & Molecular Biology、Molecular Aspects of Medicine等高影响因子国际刊物上,被Cell、Nature、Science等权威杂志引用并给予了高度评价。其中,关于人卵母细胞减数分裂过程中染色体重组的研究被评为“中国科学年度十大进展”。项目研究内容在国际、国内会议上大会发言10余次,极大程度的促进了研究成果的推广。
| 论文名称
| 刊名
| 年卷页码
| 通讯作者/第一作者
| Genome analyses of single human oocytes/ Hou Y, Fan W, Yan L, Li R, Lian Y, Huang J, Li J, Xu L, Tang F, Xie XS, Qiao J.
| Cell
| 2013,155(7):1492-1506
| 汤富酬,谢晓亮,乔杰/侯宇,樊伟,闫丽盈
| Single-cell RNA-Seq profiling of human preimplantation embryos and embryonic stem cells/ Yan L, Yang M, Guo H, Yang L, Wu J, Li R, Liu P, Lian Y, Zheng X, Yan J, Huang J, Li M, Wu X, Wen L, Lao K, Li R, Qiao J, Tang F.
| Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
| 2013,20(9):1131-1139
| 李瑞强,乔杰,汤富酬/闫丽盈,杨明玉
| The root of reduced fertility in aged women and possible therapentic options: Current status and future perspects./ Qiao J, Wang ZB, Feng HL, Miao YL, Wang Q, Yu Y, Wei YC, Yan J, Wang WH, Shen W, Sun SC, Schatten H, Sun QY.
| Molecular Aspects of Medicine
| 2014 Aug;38:54-85. Epub 2013 Jun 21.
| 孙青原/乔杰
| Effects of combined epidermal growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and insulin-like growth factor-1 on human oocyte maturation and early fertilized and cloned embryo development/ Yu Y, Yan J, Li M, Yan L, Zhao Y, Lian Y, Li R, Liu P, Qiao J.
| Human Reproduction
| 2012,27(7):2146-2159
| 乔杰/于洋,严杰,李敏
| Improvement in the quality of heterotopic allotransplanted mouse ovarian tissues with basic fibroblast growth factor and fibrin hydrogel/ Gao JM, Yan J, Li R, Li M, Yan LY, Wang TR, Zhao HC, Zhao Y, Yu Y, Qiao J.
| Human Reproduction
| 2013,28(10):2784-2793
| 于洋,乔杰/高江曼
| High FSH decreases the developmental potential of mouse oocytes and resulting fertilized embryos, but does not influence offspring physiology and behavior in vitro or in vivo/ Li M, Zhao Y, Zhao CH, Yan J, Yan YL, Rong L, Liu P, Feng HL, Yu Y, Qiao J.
| Human Reproduction
| 2013,28(5):1309-1323
| 于洋,乔杰/李敏,赵越
| Getting the broken blastomere out of development./ Qiao J, Li M.
| Cell Cycle
| 2013,15;12(20):3247-8
| 李默/乔杰
| Effect of slow freeze versus vitrification on the oocyte: an animal model. / Hu W, Marchesi D, Qiao J, Feng HL.
| Fertility and Sterility
| 2012,98(3):752-760
| 乔杰/胡卫红
| Changes in histone methylation during human oocyte maturation and IVF- or ICSI-derived embryo development./ Qiao J, Chen Y, Yan LY, Yan J, Liu P, Sun QY.
| Fertility and Sterility
| 2010,15;93(5):1628-36
| 乔杰/乔杰
| The role of cilostazol, a phosphodiesterase
3 inhibitor, on oocyte maturation and subsequent pregnancy in mice./ Li M, Yu Y, Yan J, Yan LY, Zhao Y, Li R, Liu P, Hsueh AJ, Qiao J.
| PLoS One
| 2012;7(1):e30649.
| 乔杰/李敏
| Comparison of follicular fluid amphiregulin and EGF concentrations in patients undergoing IVF with different stimulation protocols./ Liu N, Ma Y, Li R, Jin H, Li M, Huang X, Feng HL, Qiao J.
| Endocrine
| 2012,42(3):708-16
| 乔杰/刘娜娜
| Effects of durat
on of cryo-storage of mouse oocytes on cryo-survival, fertilization and embryonic development following vitrification./ Yan J, Suzuki J, Yu XM, Qiao J, Kan FW, Chian RC.
| Journal of Assist
d Reproduction and Genetics
| 2011,28(7):643-9
| 乔杰/严杰
| Effects of oocyte vitrification on histone modifications./ Yan LY, Yan J, Qiao J, Zhao PL, Liu P.
| Reproduction, fertility
and development
| 2010,22(6):920-5
| 乔杰/闫丽盈
| Cryo-survival, fertilization and early embryonic development of vitrified oocytes derived from mice of different reproductive age./ Yan J, Suzuki J, Yu X, Kan FW, Qiao J, Chian RC.
| Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
| 2010,27(11):605-11
| 乔杰/严杰
| 促性腺激素释放激素在女性生殖系统的分布与作用/高江曼,于洋,乔杰
| 生殖与避孕
| 2013,33(5):338-342
| 乔杰/高江曼
| 卵巢组织冷冻移植在女性生育力保存中的研究进展/高江曼,乔杰
| 中国优生与遗传杂志
| 2012,20(10):1-4
| 乔杰/高江曼
| 卵母细胞及胚胎mtDNA拷贝数在辅助生殖技术研究中的重要价值/赵红翠,于洋,乔杰
| 现代妇产科进展
| 2012,21(10):808-811
| 乔杰/赵红翠
该项目围绕人类卵母细胞成熟及发育潜能的机制开展了深入研究,绘制了人类植入前胚胎发育过程转录组全景图,系统解析胚胎发育的调控机制,阐述卵母细胞成熟过程减数分裂染色体重组规律,构建世界首个高精度重组定位女性个人遗传图谱,完善卵母细胞成熟培养体系及优化卵巢组织冷冻保存方法。研究成果发表在Cell、Nature Structural & Molecular Biology等杂志,引起国际、国内同行的广泛关注,相继被国际顶尖杂志Nature、Cell等引用,国内外媒体也给予了广泛的报道。鉴于该成果的国际影响力和临床价值,入选科技部“中国十大进展”。该研究成果使人们对人类卵母细胞和早期胚胎发育规律有一个新的、独特的认识,为辅助生殖技术的临床应用提供了理论指导,同时为不孕不育疑难病例的诊治提供科学依据,已成功应用于临床上植入前胚胎遗传疾病的诊断。鉴于以上工作,特推荐申报2016年度华夏医学科技奖。