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Introduction of Infectious Diseases Department

发布时间:2008-07-18    点击数:

Welcome to Peking University Third Hospital Infectious Diseases Department. The Infectious Diseases Department was established in January 2007, and was composed of three parts: Fever Clinic, Enteric Disease Clinic and Hepatitis Clinic. We also have a Prophylaxis Clinic which provides immunization of hepatitis A vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine. Our department is a relatively independent department with our own registration office, cashier, radiology department, laboratory and pharmacy. Every clinic has its consulting room and treatment room. At present we have 19 medical personnel, including 14 nurses and 5 doctors. We'll try our best to provide you with a satisfactory service and treatment.


Fever Clinic 86-10-82265592

Enteric Disease Clinic 86-10-82265587

Hepatitis Clinic 86-10-82265588

Prophylaxis Clinic 86-10-82266271

Fever Clinic

Our present department offers 24 hours, 7 days per week service to cater for all types of fever emergency. People presenting to Fever Department are assessed and treated according to the seriousness of their condition.

Enteric Disease Clinic

This department opens from April 20th to October 31st each year offers hole day service to cater for the patients with acute diarrhea during three days.

Hepatitis Clinic

Our department provides daytime service for the hepatitis and other liver diseases. The opening time is 8:00AM to 11:30AM, 1:30PM to 5:00PM from Monday to Friday. We provide Ordinary Clinic and Special Clinic, the specialist services time in Monday afternoon, Wednesday morning and Friday morning.

Prophylaxis Clinic

This department provides immunization of hepatitis A vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine and opening time is 8:00AM to 11:30AM from Monday to Friday.



地址:北京海淀区花园北路49号  邮编:100191
联系电话:010-82266699  E-mail:bysy@bjmu.edu.cn

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