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发布时间:2008-07-08    点击数:

The department of Infective Disease was established formally in January 2007.There are no wards but outpatient clinics here right now. It’s including Hepatitis Clinic, Enteric Diseases Clinic and Fever Disease Clinic.

Hepatitis Clinic

There are two kinds of clinics in the Hepatitis Clinic, the Ordinary and the Specialist ones. The service time of the Ordinary Clinic is whole day from Monday to Friday, and the Specialist Clinic on January afternoon, Wednesday morning and Friday morning. Only the chief physicians could be on duty in Specialist Clinic. The diseases diagnose and treat here include all kinds of acute/chronic hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis and adiposis hepatica, as the regular antiviral therapies of the type B and type C hepatitis,etc. We also provide the consultations of hepatitis and hepatic diseases, like the explanations of the relevant chemical analysis of the hepatic diseases, the things patients should pay attention to, including the diet and the exercises, the managements of the carriers of type B hepatitis, the prophylaxis of type B hepatitis and the interceptions of infecting from mothers to infants.

Enteric Diseases Clinic

All acute diarrhea patients are diagnosed and treated in this clinic. As the demand of the center for disease control in Beijing,the Enteric Diseases Clinic should be on service from April 20th to October 31st each year, and be on duty for 24 hours a day. There are special areas,independent rooms, transfusion rooms and observing rooms.

Fever Clinic

All acute feverish patients are treated in this clinic. There are independent special areas here and we are on duty all the time. We have independent rooms, transfusion rooms and observing rooms.

The department of Infective Disease is an independent clinical department. In order to provide much more quick and convenient service to the patients, we have registration office, pharmacy, laboratory and radiology department for our own and the environment of our department is favorable. We will try our best to give you satisfactory services.

Hepatitis Clinic

XuJie chief physician On duty at January afternoon, Wednesday morning and Friday morning

LiXiaoguang attending physician On duty at Tuesday morning and Thursday morning

Ordinary Clinic Registration time 8Am to 11Am, 1:30Pm to 4:30Pm, January to Friday

Enteric Diseases Clinic

April 20th to October 31st each year, 24 hours a day

Fever Clinic

24 hours a day for the whole year

Prophylaxis Clinic

Type A and type B hepatitis vaccine inoculation

Monday to Friday 8Am to 11:30 Am


地址:北京海淀区花园北路49号  邮编:100191
联系电话:010-82266699  E-mail:bysy@bjmu.edu.cn

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