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发布时间:2011-01-12    点击数:

摘自并翻译:[Zhang W, Doherty M, Bardin T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis, 2006; 65: 1312–24.]

1. Optimal treatment of gout requires both non-pharmacological and pharmacological modalities and should be tailored according to:

(a) specific risk factors (levels of serum urate, previous attacks, radiographic signs); (b) clinical phase (acute/recurrent gout, intercritical gout, and chronic tophaceous gout); (c) general risk factors (age, sex, obesity, alcohol consumption, urate elevating drugs, drug interactions and comorbidity). Strength of recommendation: 96 (95% CI, 93 to 98)

1.痛风最佳治疗需药物和非药物治疗手段相联合,并根据以下情况调整:(1)特殊的危险因素(血尿酸水平,以前发作情况和放射线表现);(2)临床阶段(急性/复发性痛风,发作间歇期痛风和慢性痛风石性痛风);(3)一般危险因素(年龄、性别、肥胖、饮酒、增高尿酸药,药物相互作用和合并疾病)。 推荐力度:96(95%的可信区间93-98)

2. Patient education and appropriate lifestyle. advice regarding weight loss if obese, diet, and reduced alcohol (especially beer) are core aspects of management. Strength of recommendation: 95 (95% CI, 91 to 99)


3. Associated comorbidity and risk factors such as hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, hyperglycaemia, obesity and smoking should be addressed as an important part of the management of gout. Strength of recommendation: 91 (95% CI, 86 to 97)


4. Oral colchicine and/or NSAIDs are first line agents for systemic treatment of acute gout. In the absence of contraindications an NSAID is a convenient and well accepted option. Strength of recommendation: 94 (95% CI, 91 to 98)


5. High doses of colchicine lead to side effects, and low doses (for example 0.5 mg three times daily) may be sufficient for some patients with acute gout. Strength of recommendation: 83 (95% CI, 74 to 92)


6. Intra-articular aspiration and injection of a long acting steroid is an effective and safe treatment for an acute attack. Strength of recommendation: 80 (95% CI, 73 to 87)


7. Urate lowering therapy is indicated in patients with recurrent acute attacks, arthropathy, tophi, or radiographic changes of gout. Strength of recommendation: 97 (95% CI, 95 to 99)


8. The therapeutic goal of urate lowering therapy is to promote crystal dissolution and prevent crystal formation. This is achieved by maintaining the serum uric acid below the saturation point for monosodium urate ( 360 μmol/l or 6 mg/dl). Strength of recommendation: 91 (95% CI, 86 to 96)

8.降尿酸治疗的目标是促进晶体溶解和防止晶体形成,这就需要使血尿酸水平低于尿酸单钠的饱和点( 360 μmol/l 或 6 mg/dl). 推荐力度:91(95%的可信区间86-96)

9. Allopurinol is an appropriate long term urate lowering therapy. It should be started at a low dose (100 mg daily) and increased by 100 mg every two to four weeks if required. The dose must be adjusted in patients with renal impairment. If allopurinol toxicity occurs, options include other xanthine oxidase inhibitors, a uricosuric agent, or allopurinol desensitisation (the latter only in cases of mild rash). Strength of recommendation: 91 (95% CI, 88 to 95)


10. Uricosuric agents such as probenecid and sulphinpyrazone can be used as an alternative to allopurinol in patients with normal renal function but are relatively contraindicated in patients with urolithiasis. Benzbromarone can be used in patients with mild to moderate renal insufficiency on a named patient basis but carries a small risk of hepatotoxicity. Strength of recommendation: 87 (95% CI, 81 to 92)


11. Prophylaxis against acute attacks during the first months of urate lowering therapy can be achieved by colchicine (0.5 to 1 mg daily) and/or an NSAID (with gastro-protection if indicated). Strength of recommendation: 90 (95% CI, 86 to 95)

11.在使用降尿酸治疗的第一个月可用秋水仙碱(0.5 -1 mg/d)和/或非甾类抗炎药来预防急性痛风的发作。推荐力度:90(95%的可信区间86-95)

12. When gout associates with diuretic therapy, stop the diuretic if possible. For hypertension and hyperlipidaemia consider the use of losartan and fenofibrate, respectively (both have modest uricosuric effects). Strength of recommendation: 88 (95% CI, 82 to 94)



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