2. 怀疑巨细胞动脉炎时,应行颞动脉活检,但不要因活检而耽误治疗,一般不需对对侧颞动脉进行活检(3级证据,C级推荐)。
3. 我们建议尽早开始用大剂量激素作为大血管血管炎的诱导缓解治疗(3级证据,C级推荐)。
7. 大动脉炎病情稳定期应行血管重建术,并应在专科中心进行(3级证据,C级推荐)。
1.We recommend a thorough clinical and imaging assessment of the arterial tree when a diagnosis of Takayasu arteritis is suspected.
2.A temporal artery biopsy should be performed whenever a diagnosis of giant cell arteritis is suspected, but this should not delay the treatment; a contralateral biopsy is not routinely indicated.
3.We recommend early initiation of high-dose glucocorticoid therapy for induction of remission in large vessel vasculitis.
4.We recommend that an immunosuppressive agent should be considered for use in large vessel vasculitis as adjunctive therapy.
5.Monitoring of therapy for large vessel vasculitis should be clinical and supported by measurement of inflammatory markers.
6.We recommend the use of low-dose aspirin in all patients with giant cell arteritis.
7.Reconstructive surgery for Takayasu arteritis should be performed in the quiescent phase of disease and should
引自【Mukhtyar C,et al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2009;68:318-323】