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neurosurgery common disease

发布时间:2008-08-04    点击数:



头皮损伤 scalp injury

头皮血肿 scalp hematoma

颅骨骨折 skull fracture

颅底骨折 basilar fracture

颅脑损伤 craniocerebral injury

脑震荡 concussion of brain

脑挫裂伤 contusion and laceration of the brain

脑干损伤 brain stem injury

硬膜下血肿 subdural hematoma

硬膜外血肿 epidural hematoma

脑内血肿 intracerebral hematoma

基底节血肿 hematoma in the basal ganglion

脑出血 cerebral hemorrhage


颅内肿瘤 intracranial tumor

松果体肿瘤 pineal cell tumor

脑膜瘤 meningioma

垂体腺瘤 pituitary adenoma

听神经瘤 acoustic neurilemoma

颅内血管畸形 intracranial vascular malformation

海绵状血管瘤 cavernous angioma

颅骨骨瘤 osteoma

脑室肿瘤 tumor of ventricle

恰瑞氏畸形 chiari malformation


颈椎肿瘤 tumor in cervical vertebr canal

胸椎管肿瘤 tumor in thoracic vertebra canal

腰椎肿瘤 tumor in lumbar vertebra canal

马尾肿瘤 tumor of cauda eguina

椎管内肿瘤 intraspinal tumor

脊髓肿瘤 spinal cord tumor

髓内肿瘤 intramedullary tumor

脊髓栓系 tethered cor

颅骨缺损 skull defect

脑积水 hydrocephalus

骶管囊肿 sacral canal

胶质瘤 glioma

神经鞘瘤 neuronoma swanoma

观察睡眠情况 observe the sleeping condition

松解术 wnthered

面肌痉挛 hemifacial spasm

脓肿 abscess 右颈动脉狭窄 the right arterf stenosis


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