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Technique of percutaneous nephroscope and ureteroscope

发布时间:2011-12-29    点击数:

The technique of percutaneous nephroscope is an advanced method to deal with kidney stone and superior segment ureterolith. Besides, this new method has almost taken the place of open surgery in these cases. Combined with percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), ureteroscope ureterolithotomy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL),the synthesized method is now making the open surgery obsolete in many cases.

Giuded by B-ultrasonud or X-ray, the technique of percutaneous nephroscope allows doctors to remove stones through a tiny percutaneous puncture opening(about0.5-1cm) in the patient's back or to shatter them into fragments with bombardments of sound waves or laser. Besides, it can also be used to do discission and enlargement in UPJO. Most PCNL is onstage operation. One operation, one anesthesia, less pain and shorter length of stay are its advantages.The secondstage operation performes a percutaneous puncturation to make a stoma and a catheter is inserted into the kidney in advance. After about 1 week, a sinus tract will be formed and the patients’ physiclal status will be improved. The secondstage operation’s indication: concurrent infection, postrenal renal inadequacy , hemorrhagic tendency , serious bleeding in the onstage operation, retained calculus after onstage or open operation. The advantage of waiting for a week is that it allows time for tissues around the opening to harden ,thus enabling doctors to complete the job with less blood loss and clearer field of vision.

The ureteroscope is a special, very thin endoscope which can be inserted into the ureter through the human body’s natural passage--urethra and bladder. It can be used to look directly at and visualize the inside of the ureter,. In combination with a variety of appliances, various surgical procedures such as getting biopsy in the ureter or kidney, calculus shattering and removing, fulgerizing and cut-off inside the ureter can be performed. The ureteroscope is widely used to treat ureteral calculus , polypi or stenosis in the middle or inferior segment of ureter. Meanwhile, it is very helpful in the diagnosis of tumor of ureter and pelvis renalis. There are two kinds of ureteroscope .Some ureteroscopes are flexible like a small, very long straw. Others are more rigid and firm. Because of no cutting point and less wound to the patients, ureteroscopy operation will be more and more popular in both doctors and patients and it will play a more important role in treating uretal desease.

The doctor may leave a double-J stent, a flexible tube that keeps the ureter open for drainage after the procedure of percutaneous nephroscope and ureteroscope. You should make an appointment at the out-patient department and have the double-J stent tube pulled out.

The department of urology in our hospital carried out both percutaneous nephroscope and ureteroscope operation comparatively early in China. We have possessed several systems of nephroscope and ureteroscope in combination with a variety of stone-breaker such as holmium laser, ultrasound and air pressure path. Besides, the doctors in our department have excellent operational skill and abundant clinical experience.


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