1、 医院机构的管理;
2、 干部考核与管理;
3、 人才规划与调配,岗位设置,人员编制,人员聘用,人才队伍建设;
4、 人员调入、调出、辞职、辞退;
5、 合同制职工及临时工的使用和管理;
6、 博士后管理工作;
7、 人员工资、津贴、补贴、福利费用及社会保险等管理;
8、 专业技术职务的申报、评审、认定,一般行政职务的晋升,技术工人等级考核;
9、 长期公派出国;
10、 在职职工培训、进修,学位培养,学历教育;
1、Administer the agencies of hospital.
2、Appraise and manage the performance of cadres.
3、Plan and arrange the employees, analyze and evaluate job positions, Allocate human resources, ensuring appropriate matches between personnel, screen and refer applicants to hiring personnel in the organization, prepare and maintain the talents, making hiring and promotion recommendations when appropriate.
4、Conduct new employee orientation and employee dismissal.
5、Administer and manage the contract and causal employees.
6、Post-doctoral management
7、Administer employee compensation, benefit, allowance, insurance, pension and savings plans, working with insurance brokers and plan carriers.
8、Apply, evaluate and identify the professional titles, appraise the performance of administrative employees and technical workers, providing recommendations for improvement.
9、Manage the employees’ work and study abroad, such as long term working abroad sponsored by government, short term going abroad for an international conference, and Studying abroad at their own expense.
10、Plan and conduct all kinds of training of employees, including on-job training, attending in a advanced studies, furthering a degree, and so on.
11、Manage the employees’ performance.
12、Conduct the retiring and rehiring affaires.
13、Prepare and maintain employment records.
14、Other things the high-level units or supervisors assign.