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发布时间:2009-12-08    点击数:

我科赵金霞博士继去年在《J Rheumatol》和《Rheumatol Int》上连续发表2篇SCI检索的英文论著后,今年再次在《Clinical Rheumatol》(如下图)发表了第三篇英文论著,在此深深地表示祝贺!


Significance of anti-CCP antibody in modification of 1987 ACR classification criteria in diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

Abstract To examine the incorporation of anti-CCP antibodies into the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to evaluate the advantages of the revised anti-CCP criteria in diagnosing Chinese patients. Patients who suffered from arthritic problems during the recent 2 years were selected from the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of Peking University People's Hospital. The patients were divided into RA group and non-RA group according to the clinical diagnosis by experienced rheumatologists. The ACR criteria were revised in three ways: (1) replacement of rheumatoid nodules and erosions as criteria with anti-CCP antibodies (RA-6 criteria); (2) replacement of rheumatoid nodules with anti-CCP antibodies as a criterion (RA-7 criteria); (3) addition of anti-CCP antibodies (RA-8 criteria). The diagnostic value of ACR criteria and anti-CCP revised criteria (RA-6, RA-7, and RA-8) were evaluated by comparing the sensitivity and specificity of all criteria, in all subjects and in subjects with arthritis symptoms within 2 years. There were 604 patients included in the study totally, among whom 312 patients were diagnosed as RA and 292 were diagnosed as other rheumatic diseases by rheumatologists. For all the RA patients, the sensitivity and specificity of anti-CCP antibodies were 76.2% and 96%, respectively. Its specificity was much higher than RF (85.2%). For the patients with a disease duration less than two years, the sensitivities were 82.0%, 91.0%, 87.0%, and 87.0%, while the specificities were 95.6%, 83.9%, 95.6%, and 95.6%, respectively, according to 1987 ACR criteria, RA-6, RA-7, and RA-8 criteria. Among all the RA patients, the corresponding sensitivities were 92.3%, 96.8%, 94.6%, and 94.6%, and the specificities were 92.8%, 83.6%, 92.8%, and 92.8%, respectively. The 1987 ACR criteria have high sensitivity and specificity in established RA, but are less sensitive in early RA. The RA-6 criteria improve the sensitivity by reducing its specificity. The RA-7 criteria with replacement of rheumatoid nodules by anti-CCP antibodies increase the sensitivity without losing specificity, which may serve as new classification criteria in routine clinical practice, especially in early RA patients.



摘要 目的:以抗CCP抗体改进1987年美国风湿病学会(ACR)修订的类风湿关节炎(RA)分类标准,探讨不同条件下的改进标准(分别称为RA-6、RA-7及RA-8)对早期RA诊断的敏感性和特异性,并对ACR标准及新提出的改进标准进行验证和评价。各种改进标准的条件如下:1、RA-6:抗CCP抗体替换ACR标准中的类风湿结节和关节放射学改变。2、RA-7:以抗CCP抗体替换ACR标准中的类风湿结节。3、RA-8:将抗CCP抗体补充到1987年ACR标准中。方法:本研究中共纳入2007年-2008年于北京大学人民医院风湿免疫科以及2008年9月-12月于北京大学第三医院就诊的具有关节症状的患者232例,初诊时病程均在1年以内。以风湿病专家对患者的临床诊断作为RA确诊的金标准,即经过有经验的风湿病医生根据临床表现和辅助检查结果诊断为RA者列为RA组,诊断为其他疾病的患者为非RA组。详细记录所有患者的发病情况,包括受累的关节区域及个数、持续时间、对称性、晨僵时间及类风湿结节等。对患者进行抗CCP抗体(酶联免疫吸附法)及类风湿因子(RF)(免疫比浊法)检测,并记录患者双手关节放射学改变。在总结患者临床和实验室资料的基础上,对1987年ACR分类标准及RA-6、RA-7和RA-8进行敏感性和特异性分析,探讨其对早期RA的诊断价值。结果:1、共有232例患者纳入研究,其中,RA组患者117例,平均年龄(53.9±15.9)岁,平均病程(6.0±4.0)月;非RA组患者115例,平均年龄(42.8±17.8)岁,平均病程(3.5±3.6)个月。2、在早期RA患者中,RF的敏感性和特异性分别为77.4%和87.7%;CCP抗体的敏感性和特异性分别为73.0%和98.1%。3、ACR标准、RA-6、RA-7和RA-8对早期RA诊断的敏感性分别为61.5%、83.8%、70.1%和70.1%,特异性分别为97.4%、87.8%、97.4%和97.4%。可见,以CCP抗体改进的RA-6标准可以明显提高早期RA诊断的敏感性。结论:1987年ACR的RA分类标准对早期RA诊断的敏感性较低。以CCP抗体改进的RA诊断标准可以提高早期RA诊断的敏感性,其中RA-6对早期RA诊断的敏感性最高,但是特异性有所降低。其对于早期RA的筛选可能具有很好的价值。

附赵博士发表的另2篇英文论著: 1. Zhao JX, Zhao Y, He J, Li ZG. Prevalence and significance of anti- peptidylarginine deiminase 4 antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2008; 35(6):969-74.

2. Zhao JX, Li R, He J, Shi JX, Long L, Li ZG. Mucosal administration of an altered CII263-272 peptide inhibits collagen-induced arthritis by suppression of Th1/Th17 cells and expansion of regulatory T cells. Rheumatol Int. 2008;29(1):9-16.


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