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发布时间:2016-12-14    点击数:


作者:Volle G




结果:发放的101个调查表中,81份可用。这81个患者中, 96% 符合白塞氏病国际分类标准, 53% 患者描述其初始12个月中的口腔溃疡复发为“非常不舒服”或“不舒服”。对于6种常见情况, 50 患者(62%) 宣称≥1 项是“肯定的”口腔溃疡复发的触发因素。在开放和封闭问题中,最常见的触发因素是疲劳/压力 (37-47% 患者) 和食物(32-35%)。在24种食物中,最常见的触发因素为坚果 (48%)、菠萝 (42%)、花生 (32%)、瑞士干酪奶酪(30%)、 杏仁(23%)、柠檬 (22%)和其他奶酪 (21%) 。相应的开放问题的结果与之相符,但是频率更低。


附原文:Abstract OBJECTIVES:The nature and impact of food and other external triggers in recurrences of Beh?et'sdisease (BD)-related oral ulcers (OUs) remain unknown. This survey investigated dietary and non-dietary triggers of BD-related OU recurrences.METHODS:Patients with BD who were followed in 7 French hospital departments completed a self-administered patient questionnaire. General and specific dietary triggering factors were sought in open questions. The questionnaire also included closed questions, notably to evaluate the effect of 6 general triggering situations and 24 selected foods. The results were expressed as number (%) of positive responses.RESULTS:Among the 101 questionnaires distributed, 81 were usable. Among the 81 patients, 96% fulfilled the International Criteria for Beh?et's Disease classification criteria and 53% qualified their OU recurrences during the previous 12 months as "very discomforting" or "discomforting". For the 6 general situations suggested, 50 patients (62%) declared ≥1 as a "sure" trigger of OU recurrences. In both open and closed questions, the most frequent triggers were fatigue/stress (37-47% of patients) and food (32-35%). Among the 24 suggested foods, nuts (48%), pineapple (42%), peanuts (32%), Emmental cheese (30%), almonds (23%), lemons (22%), and other cheeses (21%) were the most frequently reported. The corresponding open question gave consistent findings but with lower frequencies.CONCLUSIONS:Most patients can identify triggers of recurring BD-related OUs, with fatigue/stress and food representing the most frequent triggers. The management of OU must consider such external factors. The histamine-rich or -liberating properties of the commonly cited OU-triggering foods suggest a hyperreactivity mechanism.

引自:Volle G, Fraison JB, Gobert D, Goulenok T, Dhote R, Fain O, Gonzalez-Chiappe S, Lhote F, Papo T,Thuillier A, Rivière S, Mahr A. Dietary and Non-Dietary Triggers of Oral Ulcer Recurrences in Beh?et'sDisease.Author informationArthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2016 Nov 18. doi: 10.1002/acr.23155. [Epub ahead of print]


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