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case 2

发布时间:2008-08-01    点击数:

The patient, a 59-year-old male, was admitted to our hospital on Feb, 26,2007, with the chief complaints of “fever for 9days, which aggravated and accompanied with cough and sputum for 1 day”.

9 days ago, the patient began to suffer from fever after being tired. The maximal temperature was higher than 39℃. He had left chest pain at the same time, and it was aggravated with deep breath and at standing position. He coughed lightly without expectoration, dyspnea, wheeze, haemoptysis and night sweat. He went to the local hospital and the blood routine test showed “WBC 16000/mm3”. Chest X-ray showed “pneumonia in left upper lobe”. He was treated with ciprofloxacin and then cefuroxime by intravenous injection. However, the symptom had no change, and he still suffered from high fever. There days ago, CT thorax showed “inflammatory lesion of left upper lung”. Then he was treated with Moxifloxacin. One day ago, the cough exacerbated, accompanied with expectoration, which was yellow and small amount. Then he was admitted to our hospital for further diagnosis and treatment. Since the onset of the illness, his spirit, appetite and sleep were good .His urine and stool were normal. No weight lose.

Past history: He had appendectomy several years ago. He had smoked for 30 years and 20 cigarettes per day.

Physical examination:T37.3℃ P88/min R18/min BP130/80mmHg. The patient was well developed and moderately nourished. He was mentally normal and cooperative in the examination. There was no jaundice, no purpura on the skin, and the lymphnodes were not palpable. His head, eyes, nose, ears, mouth were normal. The trachea was in midline. The chest and respiratory movements were symmetrical. There was no abnormal dullness. No abnormal breath sound. The heart rate was 88/min, regular. No pathological heart murmur. No pericardium friction sound was heard. Abdominal wall was soft without tenderness. The liver and the spleen were not palpable and there was no shifting dullness. No edema in his l


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