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Department of Gynecology

发布时间:2006-02-19    点击数:

Recent years surgical treatments with celioscope or hysteroscope for hysteromyoma, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, and diseases as malignant tumors etc., indicated forMinimally Invasive Surgery have been actively developed in theDepartment ofGynecology; meanwhile, vaginoplasties via celioscope are also available. And currently theMinimally Invasive Procedures have already accounted for 40% of the Gynecological Surgeries. Additionally, hysterectomy via small incision of abdomen as well as intervened procedures for treatment of indicated patients withhysteromyoma or cervical pregnancy etc. have also been developed over these years.Aimed at the gradual entrance of a senile society and the increase of senile patients with various complications of internal medicine, initiatives as positive communications with family members of patients requiring surgical interventions, as well as joint bearing to medical risks along with proper application of diagnoses and treatment for patients with difficult/severe conditions had been enabled a successful management to a patient affected with pedicle torsion of ovarian cyst accompanied by complications of peritonitis, ileus and electrolyte imbalance.


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