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Department of Obstetrics

发布时间:2006-02-19    点击数:

“Safety for mother and baby, Priority for children” is the primary tenet for jobs in the Department of Obstetrics, while “Human-Oriented” is also our doctrine for medical services in this department. Every year some 40% of pregnant/postpartum women of the whole Haidian District, who were in severe or dangerous conditions, were transferred to us from various levels of delivery institutes. Under the leadership andcoordinationof the hospital administrations, a Green Channel, aimed at safety of mother and baby, co-established with the Operation Room of the Emergency Department, and a resultant Emergency Team from the merger of collaboration and partnership by multiple departments and embodiment by the Department of Obstetrics, consist of a safeguard system for successful saving and treatment to various pregnant/postpartum women in danger with major conditions.

The Mortalities from high-risk pregnancies and perinatal conditions have been reduced to international level, which won us a Special Award for Contribution to Safety of Mother and Baby by the Haidian District in 2003. Perinatal care and High-risk pregnancy management are always of paramount importance in theDepartment of Obstetrics; meanwhile, jobs involved in complications as hypertension and/or abnormal sugar metabolism during pregnancy, as well as screenings to premature deliveries and birth defects have also been carried out in the department.

Researches on prevention and management to Major Pregnancy-induced Hypertension have been carried out in the department, of which, investigations to diagnoses of this diseases are of pioneering work in China which have reached an internationally advanced level. Since 1993, color Doppler ultrasound have been adopted for Hemadynamics researches on uterine artery, placental artery, kidney artery, and umbilical artery in the Department, as a result, the incidences of Major Pregnancy-induced Hypertension were nearly in null for patients who had undergone regular prenatal examinations. Currently, researches aimed at probing the disease mechanisms at levels of gene transcription and expression have been under way.

We have been featured with the screening on abnormal sugar metabolism, which resulted in our mortalities of pregnant/postpartum women and perinatal deaths reduced to be lower than international level. We are also featured with our screening on birth defects, of which, researches for underlying metabolisms are under way. We are armed with a strong team of professional with medical services, scientific researches and education integrated as a full entity.


地址:北京海淀区花园北路49号    邮编:100191

联系电话:010-82266699     E-mail:bysy@bjmu.edu.cn

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