Dermatology Department Attends Annual Meeting of China Dermatologist Association & National Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology
Digestive Department Showing Clinical and Scientific Research Achievement at the Annual Meeting
Officials of Beijing Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning Inspect the Security Work of PUTH
Pharmacy Department Attends Asian Conference on Pharmacoepi-demiology and makes related reports
Peking University exercise-based cardiac rehab and sports cardiology ?course was held in Beijing
PKUHSC Faculty Representative Committee and Labor Union Committee Replying to Election Results of the First Meeting of 6th PUTH Workers Congress & 11th Labor Union Congress
Free Clinic Week of PUTH Benefited More Than 1400 People
Ultrasound Diagnosis Department holds the Academic activities of the Ultrasound Branch of Beijing City Medical
Pharmacy Department held a work meeting marking the establishment of administration group managing the allocation of intravenous medication in Beijing
The palindromia head and nick sarcoma of children is cured by CT guided radioactive particles implemented by collaboration of many disciplines