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发布时间:2022-11-29    点击数:

1. 张容锦, 王淑敏, 崔立刚. 影像学检查对T3期肾细胞癌伴静脉癌栓预后评估价值的研究进展[J]. 中国医药, 2021.

2. 董婷综述, 孙彦审校. 超声内镜引导下细针穿刺活检在胰腺占位性病变诊断中的应用进展[J]. 中国微创外科杂志, 2021, 21(11):4.

3. [1]张帆, 陈文, 赵博,等. PDCA循环法在超声科住院医师教学查房管理中的应用[J]. 基础医学与临床, 2021, 41(11):1707-1710.

4. Hao Y , Sun Y , Lei Y , et al. Percutaneous Sonazoid-enhanced ultrasonography combined with in vitro verification for detection and characterization of sentinel lymph nodes in early breast cancer[J]. European Radiology, 2021, 31(8):5894-5901.

5. Wang P , Sun L , Xu M , et al. Titania/Iron Oxide Nanoplatform Operates as Hydrogen Peroxide Enriched Vector for Amplification of Fenton Catalytic Efficiency in Cancer Theranostics[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021.

6. Xue H , Qiao R , Yan L , et al. The Correlation Between Potential "Anti- Cancer" Trace Elements and the Risk of Breast Cancer: A Case-Control Study in a Chinese Population[J]. Frontiers in Oncology, 2021, 11:3086-.

7. 付帅, 崔立刚, 王淑敏,等. 基于网络平台的线上学习在超声科住院医师规范化培训中的综合应用[J]. 中国病案, 2021.

8. 付帅, 崔立刚, 王淑敏,等. 叙事医学在超声科住院医师规范化培训中的应用价值[J]. 中国病案, 2021

9. Wang P , Tang Q , Zhang L , et al. Ultrasmall Barium Titanate Nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Hypoxic Tumor Therapy via Ultrasound Triggered Piezocatalysis and Water Splitting[J]. ACS Nano, 2021, 15(7).

10.Zhang H , Sun Y , Zhang J , et al. Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Classification for Central-Type Intra-Ductal Papillary Masses: Current Problems and Evaluation of Modified Parameters[J]. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 2021, 47(4).

11.傅强, 崔立刚, 徐雁,等. 超声诊断髋关节镜二次翻修前上盂唇撕裂的应用价值[J]. 临床超声医学杂志, 2021, 23(7):4.

12.葛喜凤, 张丽, 崔立刚,等. 甲状旁腺肿物超声误漏诊分析[J]. 中国超声医学杂志, 2021, 37(8):4.

13.Zhang X , Li X , Sun S , et al. Anti-Tumor Metastasis via Platelet Inhibitor Combined with Photothermal Therapy under Activatable Fluorescence/Magnetic Resonance Bimodal Imaging Guidance.[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2021, 13(17):19679-19694.

14. Tan S , Sun P F , Xue H , et al. Evaluation of thyroid micro-carcinoma using shear wave elastography: Initial experience with qualitative and quantitative analysis[J]. European Journal of Radiology, 2021, 137:109571.

15. Sun Y , Cui L , Wang S , et al. Comparative study of two contrast agents for intraoperative identification of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with early breast cancer[J]. Gland Surgery, 2021(5).

16.孙彦, 雷玉涛, 郝云霞,等. SonoVue及Sonazoid在早期乳腺癌患者前哨淋巴结定位中的初步研究[J]. 中华医学超声杂志:电子版, 2021, 18(2):5.

17.Xue H , Li C , Cui L , et al. M-BLUE protocol for coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) patients: interobserver variability and correlation with disease severity[J]. Clinical Radiology, 2021(2).

18.Design and application of inorganic nanoparticles for sonodynamic cancer therapy[J]. Biomaterials Science.

19.Lihong, Wang, Ping, et al. Design and application of inorganic nanoparticles for sonodynamic cancer therapy.

20.付帅, 陈文, 崔立刚,等. 以临床症状为主题的思维导图在急诊超声教学中的应用价值[J]. 基础医学与临床, 2021, 41(2):4.

21.付帅, 崔立刚, 薛恒,等. "交互式解剖教学"联合"同伴教学"在肩关节超声培训中的应用价值[J]. 基础医学与临床, 2021, 41(1):4.

22.付鹏, 江凌, 崔立刚. 高频超声在产后女性腹直肌分离评估中的应用价值[J]. 中华医学超声杂志:电子版, 2021, 18(1):5.

23.孙彦, 江凌, 王淑敏,等. 疫情防控下超声医学线上教学的效果评价及双向教学反馈情况初探[J]. 基础医学与临床, 2021, 41(3):4.

24.惠泠月, 江凌. 超声诊断小鱼际捶打综合征一例[J]. 中华医学超声杂志:电子版, 2021, 18(1):2.

25.Zhang Y , Xue H , Wang M , et al. Lung Ultrasound Findings in Patients With Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)[J]. American Journal of Roentgenology, 2020, 216(1):1-5.

26.Zhang J , Jiang L , Sun L , et al. Targeted drug delivery strategies for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis[J]. 中国科学:生命科学英文版, 2021, 64(7):3.


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