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Achievements of the Department of Reproductive Medicine at Peking University Third Hospital Selected Among The Innovation's Top Ten Global Technological Innovations

Author: Xu Huiyu

On January 4, 2024, The Innovation revealed its prestigious list of the top ten global technological innovations of 2023. Remarkably, OvaRePred, an independently developed non-invasive tool for assessing and predicting ovarian reserve by the Department of Reproductive Medicine at Peking University Third Hospital, secured a well-deserved spot on the list.

Ovarian reserve is a crucial indicator of female fertility. Harnessing cutting-edge algorithms and vast datasets, OvaRePred proficiently evaluates a woman's existing ovarian reserve and forecasts the onset age of critical reproductive stages, including diminishing ovarian reserve and perimenopause. This allows women to more personally plan their fertility strategies and manage their health during perimenopause.

Ovarian Aging Curve Model