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According to the data from Chinese Journal Citation Report (CJCR) published on September 26th, 2014, the impact of Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery (CJMIS) is steadily rising. Among 1989 kinds of the key journals of China technology, the core impact factor of CJMISrises from 0.823 last year to 0.875, ranking 240th up from 241th in 2013; Among 81 (76 in 2013) kinds of expended version of surgical journals, its impact factor rises from 1.311 in 2013 to 1.645, ranking 5th up from 7th in 2013; Among 21 (18 in 2013) kinds of Surgical Comprehensive Journal in 21 (18 in 2013) kinds of the CJCR (core periodical), its impact factor ranks 4th with total citation rate in the 5th. After comprehensively evaluating based on standard of the China exquisite Sci-tech Journals, CJMIS is selected as the 3rd China exquisite Sci-tech Journal, which is the citation journal for top academic papers in China exquisite Sci-tech Journal.

Translated by Du Jiacong, Proof by Han Mingyue