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On the afternoon of the September 6th, Yang Longhui, deputy director of Medical Affairs Department of the State Administration of traditional Chinese Medicine, and Tu ZhiTao, director of Beijing Municipal Administration of traditional Chinese Medicine along with other five came to PUTH and researched on the work in the demonstration unit of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the national general hospital. Both side exchanged views from many aspects on the development of the Traditional Chinese Medicine department in the general hospital, including the features and modes, how to put the Traditional Chinese Medicine in the right developing direction and how to combine it with western medicine with certain objectives and expertise both respectively. They also discussed on establishing a medical care model with the combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and western medicine fitting the Chinese specific conditions and building a scientific and evaluation system that can reflect the facts.

Translated by ZHANG Yifan; Proofed by NIU Yifeng & LONG Jingmiao