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Professor Zu Lingyun's Team from Peking University Third Hospital Publishes Results on Constructing a Nano-Molecular Probe for Dual-Mode Imaging and Vulnerability Assessment of Atherosclerotic Plaques in Advanced Functional Materials

Author: Zu Lingyun

On May 29th, 2024, a paper by Professor Zu Lingyun's team from the Department of Cardiology was published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials. The paper is titled 'Au/FeNiPO4-Based Multiple Spectra Optoacoustic Tomography/CT Dual-Mode Nanoprobe for Systemic Screening of Atherosclerotic Vulnerable Plaque' .The study achieved non-invasive diagnosis and quantitative assessment of the vulnerability of atherosclerotic plaques, which is significant for understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and formulating clinical diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Jiageng Cai, a PhD student from Peking University Third Hospital, and Dr. Xiaoxiao Ge from Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders are joint first authors. The corresponding authors are Professors Lingyun Zu and Lemin Zheng from School of Basic Medical Sciences, as well as Shaojun Guo from School of Materials Science and Engineering at Peking University." 

Screenshot of the paper