ENT Department of Peking Uniersity Third Hospital
Peking University Third Hospital is an affiliated hospital of Peking University with medical services, teaching, research and prevention and health care. ENT Department was founded in 1958. Now the ENT Department has had comprehensive development in the area of otology, rhinology, pharyngology, laryngology and head neck surgery. There are 63 staffs in our ENT department, including professors, doctors, technicians and nurses. The accommodation of the ward is 41 beds. In addition, we have laboratories of auditory electrophysiology, temporal bone dissection, speech language pathology, microcirculation, microdialyse, etc.
Otology, audiology and middle ear surgery are the predominance of ENT department with a great deal experience in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of the ear and hearing impairment. There are more than 300 cases of the middle ear surgery (Mastoidectory, Tympanoplasty, cochlear implant, etc.) every year. We pioneered the temporal bone dissection workshop in China and organized the temporal bone dissection workshop annually. ENT department of Peking University Third Hospital is also one of the cochlear implant centers in Beijing and one of the 6 hearing screening and diagnosis centers for infants and children in Beijing.
Rhinology, pharyngology, laryngology and Head neck surgery developed rapidly in recent year. Nasal skull base anatomy workshopwas performed in recent years and attracted learners around the country. A lot of experience was accumulated in the field of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), laryngectomy, neck dissection and skull base surgery. The beginning of 2002 saw the completion of the new building; ENT department equipped the latest equipment, including the latest nasal endoscopes, latest microscope for otologic use and laryngologic use, laser for laryngologic use, navigation system in surgery, etc.
As one of the affiliated hospital of Peking University, ENT department takes charge of many educational task every year. A lot of medical students graduated from here and acquired the master’s degree or doctor’s degree. Being one of the leading hospitals in china, many doctors from other hospital come here to have their continuing education.
In the aspect of research, basic research and clinical research refer to the area of tinnitus, vertigo, cochlear implant, pathologic voice, nasal pharyngeal carcinoma, laryngeal carcinoma and etc. Every year a lot of papers were published in china core magazine and magazine abroad, such as Hearing research, Neuron- science letter.
ENT department has a lot of communications to other hospital in china and all over the world. Many doctors studied in US and European countries and brought back the latest technology in the world. In order to keep pace with the latest development in the area of otorhinolaryngology in the world, every year some foreign specialist and professors were also invited to have their lectures and demonstrate their operation in our department.
The outpatient department is opened from Monday to Sunday all the daytime. The specialist of otology, rhinology and laryngology will be on duty from Monday to Sunday. The emergency department is opened 24 hours every day.
The ENT consultant room is located at the third floor of Peking University Ophthalmology Center. The amounts of patients in the outpatient department are more than 400 each day. When you come to the ENT department and need some help, please do not hesitate to ask the guider in the lobby. They will be very glad to help you. If you have further question about medical consultation or procedure of hospitalization, please contact with us using the following address or make a phone call to the following phone number.
Address:No.49,North Garden Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191,P.R.China
Tel:(0086010)82266091(Outpatient department)