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发布时间:2020-06-07    点击数:

1. Fan, Zhang, Li-ying,等. Usefulness of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in Differentiating Inflammatory Bowel Disease From Colon Cancer[J]. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 2018.

2. 王梦玄, 梁晓龙, 陈敏,等. 癌症声动力治疗装置的研究进展[J]. 科学通报, 2018.

3. 王洋, 苗立英, 葛辉玉, et al. 超声"角征"与胃癌T3及以上分期相关性研究[C]// 中国超声医学工程学会全国腹部超声医学学术大会. 2018

4. 薛恒, 陈文, 沈伟伟,等. 甲状腺影像报告与数据系统(TI-RADS )观察者一致性与阳性预测值的研究[J]. 中华超声影像学杂志, 2018, 027(005):401-405.

5. Zhao R , Liang X , Zhao B , et al. Ultrasound assisted gene and photodynamic synergistic therapy with multifunctional FOXA1-siRNA loaded porphyrin microbubbles for enhancing therapeutic efficacy for breast cancer[J]. Biomaterials, 2018:S0142961218303260.

6. 郝云霞, 崔立刚. 超声引导下星状神经节阻滞技术的临床应用[J]. 中国医学影像学杂志, 2018(4).

7. Shi-Rong, Liu, Ren, et al. Diabetes mellitus may worsen the prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma patients undergoing curative microwave ablation.[J]. Journal of B.u.on. Official Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology, 2018.

8. 崔晨, 蒋洁, 陈文,等. 黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎5例[J]. 北京大学学报:医学版, 2018, v.50(04):165-168.

9. 孙彦, 江凌, 陈文,等. 日常病例报告评价及反馈系统在超声住院医师培训中的应用[J]. 基础医学与临床, 2018, 38(10):136-138.

10. 葛喜凤, 黄红拾, 于媛媛,等. 自体肌腱移植术后半腱肌肌腱再生状态的超声剪切波弹性评估[J]. 中国运动医学杂志, 2018, 037(006):487-490.

11. 闫妍, 苗立英, 梅放,等. 结节性甲状腺肿伴瘢痕形成易误诊为甲状腺乳头状癌的原因分析[J]. 中国超声医学杂志, 2018(9):779-782.

12. Xiaolong L , Yunxue X , Chuang G , et al. Ultrasound contrast agent microbubbles with ultrahigh loading capacity of camptothecin and floxuridine for enhancing tumor accumulation and combined chemotherapeutic efficacy[J]. NPG Asia Materials, 2018.

13. 葛喜凤, 李磊, 崔立刚,等. 超声弹性对比指数在淋巴结良恶性鉴别诊断中的应用价值[J]. 中国医学科学院学报, 2018, 40(05):109-113.

14. 刘桂梅, 葛辉玉, 冉维强,等. 经直肠超声对男性不育症患者的诊断价值分析研究[J]. 中国全科医学, 2018, 021(020):2506-2510.

15. 江凌, 崔立刚. 肌骨超声在急危重症中的应用[J]. 中华诊断学电子杂志, 2018, v.6(02):7-10.

16. Sun S , Xu Y , Fu P , et al. Ultrasound-targeted photodynamic and gene dual therapy for effectively inhibiting triple negative breast cancer by cationic porphyrin lipid microbubbles loaded with HIF1α-siRNA[J]. Nanoscale, 2018, 10.

17. Gao, Chuang, Liang,等. Near-Infrared Cyanine-Loaded Liposome-like Nanocapsules of Camptothecin Floxuridine Conjugate for Enhanced Chemophotothermal Combination Cancer Therapy[J]. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018.

18. 张翠平, 刘佩佩, 葛辉玉. 附睾头囊肿扭转并附睾头扭转1例[C]// 中国超声医学工程学会全国腹部超声医学学术大会. 0.

19. Yujia Y , Xiaolong L , Tinghui Y , et al. Porphyrin-grafted Lipid Microbubbles for the Enhanced Efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy in Prostate Cancer through Ultrasound-controlled In Situ Accumulation[J]. Theranostics, 2018, 8(6):1665-1677.

20. Min C , Xiaolong L , Chuang G , et al. Ultrasound Triggered Conversion of Porphyrin/Camptothecin-Fluoroxyuridine Triad Microbubbles into Nanoparticles Overcomes Multidrug Resistance in Colorectal Cancer[J]. ACS Nano, 2018:acsnano.8b03674-.

21. 谭石, 王淑敏, 刘士榕,等. 介入超声专科医师培养模式的思考[J]. 中国微创外科杂志, 2018, 18(11):100-102.

22.. Tongtong L , Xifeng G , Jinhua Y , et al. Comparison of the application of B-mode and strain elastography ultrasound in the estimation of lymph node metastasis of papillary thyroid carcinoma based on a radiomics approach[J]. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology & Surgery, 2018.

23. Zhao R , Jiang J , Li H , et al. Phosphatidylserine-microbubble targeting-activated microglia/macrophage in inflammation combined with ultrasound for breaking through the blood–brain barrier[J]. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2018, 15(1).

24. 李志强, 陈文, 崔立刚,等. "专业学习共同体"在超声科进修医师肌骨超声教学中的应用研究[J]. 继续教育, 2018.

25. 李志强, 陈文, 崔立刚,等. PBL教学法在超声科住院医师规范化培训中的应用研究——以北京大学第三医院超声科教学为例[J]. 继续教育, 2018, 000(003):35-36.

26. 李志强, 崔立刚, 江凌,等. 超声引导下选择性腰神经后内侧支介入治疗慢性腰痛的临床研究[J]. 中国超声医学杂志, 2018, v.34;No.328(02):63-65.

27. 谭石, 傅强, 刘士榕,等. 超声造影在肝内门体静脉分流中的诊断价值[J]. 哈尔滨医科大学学报, 2018, 052(005):484-487.

28. 李凤舞, 崔立刚. 儿童肌肉骨骼系统超声检查的临床应用[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2018, 015(008):561-568.

29. 赵博, 江凌, 崔立刚,等. 肱二头肌远端肌腱的超声厚度测量及常见病变的超声表现%The Distal Tendon Of Biceps Brachii: Thickness Measurement with Ultrasonography and Ultrasonic Manifestations of Common Lesions[J]. 中国超声医学杂志, 2018, 034(012):1108-1111.

30. He P , Cui L G , Wang J R , et al. Trichilemmal Cyst: Clinical and Sonographic Features[J]. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2018.


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