编者注:David Spence 教授,任加拿大西安大略大学(UWO)神经病学和临床药学教授,脑卒中防治和动脉粥样硬化研究中心(SPARC)主任。加拿大健康科学学会院士(Follow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences); 世界卒中组织董事会成员(Board member of World Stroke Organization)。曾担任 2000-2010 年 Stroke 杂志副主编。曾获美国 AHA协会卒中创新奖,西安大略大学终生成就奖,被加拿大医学界被誉为斑块测量之父(Father of plaque measurement)。
《中华脑血管病杂志》是中华医学会旗下重要、广受欢迎的成员。 The Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases is a welcome and important addition to the family of journals of the Chinese Medical Association.
卒中是中国主要致死和致残的病因:虽然心血管疾病的风险近年不断增加(可能与肉蛋的摄入增加有关),卒中发病率仍然是心肌梗死的 2倍左右。 Stroke is the major cause of death and disability in China: even though the risk of coronary artery disease has been increasing in recent years (probably because of increasing intake of meat and eggs), stroke remains nearly twice as common as myocardial infarction.
别是在偏远地区。A major opportunity that must be seized is stroke prevention. Probably 80-90% of strokes can be prevented. The most important aspects of stroke prevention on a population basis are smoking cessation, diet and blood pressure control. In China, a major opportunity is reduction of sodium intake. An important gap in control of hypertension is availability of appropriate medications, particularly in rural areas.
另外,在急性卒中的治疗方面也取得了重大进展,尤其是在急性卒中时静脉溶栓基础上的血管内取栓术,以及影像学进展促进更好的评估缺血半暗带,延长了溶栓时间窗。In addition, there have been major advances in acute stroke care, notably the addition of thrombectomy to thrombolysis for acute stroke, and the extension of the time window for these interventions with the advent of imaging that permits assessment of the viable ischemic penumbra.
卒中康复的新手段也在不断发展,包括干细胞、小RNA 和外泌体治疗。随着预防、治疗、康复的显著进步,中国卒中患者的病死率及病残率有望大幅下降。实现这有一点,需要专业的医生付出巨大的努力,政策制定者投入大量资源,对公众进行系统教育。New approaches to stroke recovery are also being developed, including treatment with stem cells, microRNAs and exosomes. With major advances in prevention, treatment and stroke recovery, it is possible to look forward to important reductions in both death and disability from stroke in China. To accomplish that require strenuous effort by knowledgeable physicians, investment of resources by policy makers, and education of the public.
这本新杂志的意义在于:它将以中文在线刊登,因此将面向中国所有临床医生和医护从业者。希望这本新杂志可以对卒中的预防、卒中患者的治疗、卒中的康复做出卓越的贡献。The importance of this new journal is that it will be accessible to all Chinese physicians and health care providers, because it will be written in Chinese characters and will be available online. It is to be hoped that this new journal will make a major contribution to both the prevention of stroke, the care of patients with stroke, and to stroke recovery.