姓名 王玉洁
性别 女
学历 博士
职称 副主任医师
毕业院校 北京大学医学部
主要研究方向 重症麻醉、围术期器官功能保护
1. Wang Y#, Qian M#, Qu Y, Yang N, Mu B, Liu K, Yang J, Zhou Y, Ni C*, Zhong J*, Guo X. Genome-Wide Screen of the Hippocampus in Aged Rats Identifies Mitochondria, Metabolism and Aging Processes Implicated in Sevoflurane Anesthesia. Front Aging Neurosci. 2020, 7;12:122.
2. Wang Y, Wu C, Han B, Xu F, Mao M, Guo X, Wang J*. Dexmedetomidine attenuates repeated propofol exposure-induced hippocampal apoptosis, PI3K/Akt/Gsk-3β signaling disruption, and juvenile cognitive deficits in neonatal rats, Mol Med Rep, 2016, 14(1): 769-775.
3. Wang Y, Guo X, Guo Z, Xu M*. Preemptive Analgesia with a Single Low Dose of Intrathecal Morphine in Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Surgery: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study, Spine J. 2020, 20(7):989-997.
4. Wang Y, Mao M, Zhou Y, Shi W, Xu M*. Application of the new 'XU-line’ in the dynamic ultrasonographic evaluation of the spatial displacement of anterior cervical tissues for airway management: protocol for a prospective observational study. BMJ Open. 2022 Jun 1;12(6):e058896.
5. Li Z, Ni C*, Xia C, Jaw J, Wang Y, Cao Y, Xu M, Guo X. Calcineurin/nuclear factor-κB signaling mediates isoflurane-induced hippocampal neuroinflammation and subsequent cognitive impairment in aged rats., Mol Med Rep, 2017, 15(1): 201-209.