2005至2010年就读于泰山医学院临床医学专业,获学士学位; 2010至2015年就读于北京大学医学部外科学(骨科)专业,硕博连读,获博士学位; 2015至今就职于北京大学第三医院骨科脊柱组
1、DIERS FORMETRIC 4D®脊柱云纹系统对腰椎融合术后相邻节段退变预警的临床应用研究,北京大学第三医院院内重点课题,主持;
1.刘啸,杨晓松,于淼, et al.腰椎融合术后相邻节段旋转角度、椎间活动度及椎间隙高度变化的临床分析[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志, 2019, 29(02):20-26.
2.刘啸,王雷,于淼, et al. DIERS-4D脊柱云纹系统联合QUINTIC步态分析系统评价脊柱疾病[J].中国矫形外科杂志, 2019, 27(01):79-84
3. Liu X, Yang X S, Wang L, et al. Usefulness of a combined approach of DIERS Formetric 4D and QUINTIC gait analysis system to evaluate the clinical effects of different spinal diseases on spinal-pelvic-lower limb motor function[J]. Journal of Orthopaedic ence, 2020, 25 (4):576-581.
4. Liu X, Han SB, Si G, et al. Percutaneous albumin/doxycycline injection versus open surgery for aneurysmal bone cysts in the mobile spine[J]. European spine journal: official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, 2019, 28(6):1529.
5. Liu X , Xu N , Yang X , et al.New Classification Algorithm Guiding Surgical Decision-making for Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Ossification of the Thoracic Spine: A Study of 108 Patients With Mid-term to Long-term Follow-up[J]. ClinicalSpine Surgery, Clin Spine Surg 2021 Apr 1;34(3):E172-E176
6. Xiao Liu,Haonan Liu,Xiaosong Yang , et al. Can formetric 4D measurements predict the development of adjacent segment degeneration after single-segment PLIF? Relative rotation angle as a sensitive predictor[J]. Journal of Orthopaedic, 2020.
7. Yang XS, Liu X, Liu XG, et al Clinical Outcomes of Intraoperative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Compared with Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring During Circumferential Decompression for Myelopathy Associated with Thoracic-Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament [J]. MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR, 2020,26e921129
8. Peng W, Xiao L, Bin Z, et al. Association of IL17RC and COL6A1 genetic polymorphisms with susceptibility to ossification of the thoracic posterior longitudinal ligament in Chinese patients[J]. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2018, 13(1):109.
9. Yang X, Liu X, Liang C, et al. Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Radiological Risk Factors for Progression of the Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament After Posterior Decompression and Stabilization[J]. World Neurosurgery, 2020, 134.
10. Wang L, Liu X, Liu Z, et al. Predictors of surgical outcome in thoracic spinal stenosis: Focusing on cerebrospinal fluid leakage[J] JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY SCIENCE, 2020. 32(7). 2901-2904
参编: 1 《腰腿痛基础与临床》,2018年 人民卫生出版社; 2《北医三院骨科晨读荟萃》,2021年 北京大学医学出版社。 参译: 1《罗思曼-西蒙尼 脊柱外科学》第6版 2017年 北京大学医学出版社; 2 《牛津骨科学》第2版,2015年 北京大学医学出版社; 3 《原发性脊柱肿瘤》,2017年 山东科学技术出版社; 4《脊柱手术技术精要》 ,2019年山东科学技术出版社。