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发布时间:2019-03-25    点击数:

2019年2月27-3月4日,刘颖主任率领放射科8人团队赴奥地利维也纳参加第25届欧洲放射学年会,其中7人进行大会发言,1人为壁报展示。李媛以《GFR/targeted liposomal nanohybrid cerasomes: theranostic function and immune checkpoint inhibition in a mouse model of colorectal cancer》题进行大会发言;王丰以《Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Tumor staging and detection of lymph node metastasis using ADC Histogram parameters》题进行大会发言;徐慧敏以《Arterial spin labelling MRI in evaluating perioperative cerebral perfusion of carotid endarterectomy with different post labelling delays: comparison with CT perfusion imaging》为题进行大会发言题;陈民以《Consistency of bone mineraldensity assessments between dual/energy CT and quantitative CT》为题进行大会发言;田帅以《Application of 3.0T magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging in diagnosis of discogenic low back pain》为题进行大会发言;陈雯以《3.0T MR arthrography in diagnosis of acetabular labral tears confirmed by arthroscopy》为题进行大会发言。



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