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  • 专业职称:副主任医师
  • 擅长:脊柱畸形(成人脊柱侧弯、后凸畸形、青少年特发性脊柱侧弯、先天性脊柱畸形),胸腰椎退变性疾病(腰椎管狭窄症、胸椎管狭窄症、腰椎间盘突出症等),腰椎退变性疾病微创治疗



2013年8月—至今 北京大学第三医院骨科




[1] Zhuoran Sun, Zhuofu Li, Yang Guo, Weishi Li, et al.Evaluation of Adjacent Segment With Pre-Existing Degeneration Using the Cerebrospinal Fluid Occlusion Sign on MRI Before Posterior Lumbar Fusion: A Multi-Center Observational Cohort Study.Global Spine Journal, 2021, Apr 7.

[2] Zhuoran Sun, Siyu Zhou, Shuai Jiang, Da Zou, Miao Y, Weishi Li.Variations of Sagittal Alignment in Standing Versus Sitting Positions Under the Roussouly Classification in Asymptomatic Subjects.Global Spine Journal, 2020, Oct 8.

[3] Zhuoran Sun, Siyu Zhou, Wei Wang, Da Zou, Weishi Li.Differences in standing and sitting spinopelvic sagittal alignment for patients with posterior lumbar fusion: important considerations for the changes of unfused adjacent segments lordosis.BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2020, 21: 760.

[4] Siyu Zhou, Zhuoran Sun, Wei Li, Wei Wang, Tong Su, Chengbo Du, Weishi Li.The standing and sitting sagittal spinopelvic alignment of Chinese young and elderly population: does age influence the differences between the two positions? [J]. European Spine Journal, 2020, 29 (3): 405-412. (co-first author)

[5] Da Zou, Zhuoran Sun, Siyu Zhou, Woquan Zhong, Weishi Li.Hounsfield Units Value Is a Better Predictor of Pedicle Screw Loosening Than the T-score of DXA in Patients With Lumbar Degenerative Diseases [J]. European Spine J. 2020, 29(5):1105-1111. (co-first author)

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